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“I think you make the opportunity happen, I don’t think you can wait for it.” Jade Delaney

2015 - Mom, I am going to be a trainee

When I finished my Master’s in advertising I partnered with a copywriter and we decided to make a video in order to stand out from other CVs. On this video we gave agencies reasons why they should hire us and what we wanted. We took this clip from an Eurovision star and changed the meaning of what they were singing about.

As a result, we ended up working at Ogilvy Madrid.

2017 - a especial Christmas gift

On December 2017th I went to New York with my sister to visit the city and I couldn’t leave without trying to meet some creative directors that I admire. I decided to bring them a unique and charming christmas present.

“The crapper”, a package containing a personalized postcard, a candy cane and ‘the crapper’, one of the most important Christmas figure from the Spanish nativity scene. In my culture, it’s a symbol of good luck and good health and a wish for a prosperous new year.

This present was delivered in person at 10 agencies to 10 creatives directors and I was lucky to meet most of them in person.

2018 - Save me from immigration

Back in 2018 I moved to Canada with a one-year work permit to gain foreign experience and to drink Ice Cups from Tim Horton’s.

In order to stand out, I created a crowdfunding campaign where creatives could choose between helping me with connections, freelance work or a full-time contract. 

In order to stand out, I created a crowdfunding campaign where creatives could choose between helping me with connections, freelance work or a full-time contract.


From hats with the lettering “I love Poutine”, t-shirts with the text “oh creative save me”, to maple syrup with my face on it as Aunt Marta.

Let’s do something amazing together!